Willingale One Name Study
 Willingale Family Tree



Matches 1 to 150 of 156

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 #  Source ID   Title, Author   Tree 
1 S8025 LMA records on Ancestry
Unconnected Willingales 
2 S8026 Daughter's Baptism
Unconnected Willingales 
3 S8027 Facebook
Unconnected Willingales 
4 S8032 Daughter's Birth Certificate
Unconnected Willingales 
5 S8028 Ancestry
Unconnected Willingales 
6 S8029 BMD Registers
Unconnected Willingales 
7 S8030 Army Papers on FindMyPast
Unconnected Willingales 
8 S8031 Marriage Certificate
Unconnected Willingales 
9 S8033 Illinois Marriage Index
Unconnected Willingales 
10 S48614 Illinois Marriage Index
Willingale One Name Study 
11 S48615 Toone family tree on web
Willingale One Name Study 
12 S48616 John Miller's tree on Ancestry
Willingale One Name Study 
13 S48617 email from Delia Stacey Feb 2012
Willingale One Name Study 
14 S48618 Electoral Roll on Ancestry
Willingale One Name Study 
15 S48619 Merchant Seaman's Record (FindMyPast)
Willingale One Name Study 
16 S8034 National Archives
Unconnected Willingales 
17 S48620 Smith family tree on Ancestry
Willingale One Name Study 
18 S48621 Military Records on Ancestry
Willingale One Name Study 
19 S48622 SSDI
Willingale One Name Study 
20 S48623 Milner Tree on Ancestry
Willingale One Name Study 
21 S48624 South Australia BMD 29/473
Willingale One Name Study 
22 S48627 Arnold Family Tree on Ancestry
Willingale One Name Study 
23 S8035 192.com
Unconnected Willingales 
24 S48626 192 dot com
Willingale One Name Study 
25 S48628 Turner tree on the web
Willingale One Name Study 
26 S48629 email from Ray Welsford
Willingale One Name Study 
27 S48630 Probate Calendar
Willingale One Name Study 
28 S48631 Allott Tree on Ancestry
Willingale One Name Study 
29 S48632 Scruse Family Tree on Ancestry
Willingale One Name Study 
30 S48633 Angela Kilmartin tree on Ancestry
Willingale One Name Study 
31 S48634 Bennett Tree on Ancestry
Willingale One Name Study 
32 S48635 Goodfellow Tree on Ancestry
Willingale One Name Study 
33 S48636 Death Report on Ancestry (US subject)
Willingale One Name Study 
34 S48637 Priestly Tree on Ancestry
Willingale One Name Study 
35 S48638 192.com
Willingale One Name Study 
36 S48639 Tregoning tree on Ancestry
Willingale One Name Study 
37 S48640 Darren Johnson
Willingale One Name Study 
38 S48641 Guthrie Tree on Ancestry
Willingale One Name Study 
39 S48642 Craigie tree on Ancestry
Willingale One Name Study 
40 S48643 Archibald tree on Ancestry
Willingale One Name Study 
41 S48644 Chelmsford Chronicle (find my past)
Willingale One Name Study 
42 S48645 Avery tree on Ancestry
Willingale One Name Study 
43 S48646 UK Electoral register
Willingale One Name Study 
44 S48647 Gilmour Tree on Ancestry
Willingale One Name Study 
45 S48648 Kangeroo Island Pioneers
Willingale One Name Study 
46 S48649 Stacey Tree on Ancestry
Willingale One Name Study 
47 S48650 Tomlin tree on Ancestry
Willingale One Name Study 
48 S48651 Bernie Kelly
Willingale One Name Study 
49 S48652 Trove (Australian Newspapers)
Willingale One Name Study 
50 S48653 Shields Mamela Family Tree on Ancestry
Willingale One Name Study 
51 S48654 Heather Billington in NZ
Willingale One Name Study 
52 S48655 Tree on GeneaNet
Willingale One Name Study 
53 S48656 Wartnaby tree on Ancestry
Willingale One Name Study 
54 S48657 Barbara Wilson
Willingale One Name Study 
55 S48658 Clements Tree on Ancestry
Willingale One Name Study 
56 S48659 Colin Morton
Willingale One Name Study 
57 S48660 Carol White tree on Ancestry
Willingale One Name Study 
58 S48661 Strickland tree on Ancestry
Willingale One Name Study 
59 S48662 Navy Records
Willingale One Name Study 
60 S48663 Find a Grave
Willingale One Name Study 
61 S1 Find a Will website
Willingale One Name Study 
62 S2 Obituary in Northern Daily Mail
Willingale One Name Study 
63 S3 Railway employment records
Willingale One Name Study 
64 S4 School records on FMP
Willingale One Name Study 
65 S5 1939 Register
Willingale One Name Study 
66 S6 Tree on MY HERITAGE
Willingale One Name Study 
67 S25589 1900 US census
Willingale One Name Study 
68 S48613 1911 Canadian census
Willingale One Name Study 
69 S24168 1911 census
Willingale One Name Study 
70 S29406 Abbie Kempson
Willingale One Name Study 
71 S30853 Ancestry
Willingale One Name Study 
72 S33814 Ann Sutcliffe
Willingale One Name Study 
73 S22890 Anne Bower
Willingale One Name Study 
74 S29468 Antonia McKernan
Willingale One Name Study 
75 S21798 Army service record
Willingale One Name Study 
76 S29465 Bellamy tree on Ancestry
Willingale One Name Study 
77 S31072 Billyard tree on Ancestry
Willingale One Name Study 
78 S02777 Birth Certificate
Willingale One Name Study 
79 S02778 Birth Record
Willingale One Name Study 
80 S24608 BMD Registers
Willingale One Name Study 
81 S7645 British Vital Records
Unconnected Willingales 
82 S22208 British Vital Records
Willingale One Name Study 
83 S7665 Census
Unconnected Willingales 
84 S33847 Census
Willingale One Name Study 
85 S22896 CWCG website
Willingale One Name Study 
86 S33849 Daughter's Baptism
Willingale One Name Study 
87 S33851 Daughter's Birth Certificate
Willingale One Name Study 
88 S02808 Daughter's Marriage Certificate
Willingale One Name Study 
89 S26704 Daughter's second marriage.
Willingale One Name Study 
90 S7696 Death Certificate
Unconnected Willingales 
91 S29410 Death Certificate
Willingale One Name Study 
92 S29428 Death Record
Willingale One Name Study 
93 S29268 Deceased Online
Willingale One Name Study 
94 S21873 Don Firsdon's tree on Rootsweb
Willingale One Name Study 
95 S25498 Dr William's Library records on Ancestry
Willingale One Name Study 
96 S22188 Draft Documents
Willingale One Name Study 
97 S25118 Drouin Collection
Willingale One Name Study 
98 S29430 email from John Hall in 2009
Willingale One Name Study 
99 S26744 Emigration record
Willingale One Name Study 
100 S22001 ERO ref D/DHt/T174/17 (deed)
Willingale One Name Study 
101 S24594 Facebook
Willingale One Name Study 
102 S29257 FamilySearch
Willingale One Name Study 
103 S29437 Father's Military Service Record
Willingale One Name Study 
104 S22000 Father's Will
Willingale One Name Study 
105 S7947 FindMyPast
Unconnected Willingales 
106 S22534 FindMyPast
Willingale One Name Study 
107 S22301 Free BMD
Willingale One Name Study 
108 S24138 Genforum
Willingale One Name Study 
109 S22232 GRO
Willingale One Name Study 
110 S22085 Hornsey Journal
Willingale One Name Study 
111 S7129 IGI
Unconnected Willingales 
112 S22300 IGI
Willingale One Name Study 
113 S30174 Immigration record
Willingale One Name Study 
114 S31091 Jack Wheeler
Willingale One Name Study 
115 S29198 Kelly's Directory
Willingale One Name Study 
116 S7820 LDS
Unconnected Willingales 
117 S22304 LDS
Willingale One Name Study 
118 S25555 LMA records on Ancestry
Willingale One Name Study 
119 S7623 London Gazette
Unconnected Willingales 
120 S21853 London Gazette
Willingale One Name Study 
121 S02780 Marriage Certificate
Willingale One Name Study 
122 S30962 McKay tree on Ancestry
Willingale One Name Study 
123 S22502 Memorial Card
Willingale One Name Study 
124 S27915 Navy Papers
Willingale One Name Study 
125 S22217 New York Times
Willingale One Name Study 
126 S31251 OFCA website
Willingale One Name Study 
127 S7652 Old Bailey Proceedings
Unconnected Willingales 
128 S22225 Old Bailey Proceedings
Willingale One Name Study 
129 S7682 Pallot's marriage index
Unconnected Willingales 
130 S19782 Pallot's marriage index
Willingale One Name Study 
131 S28385 Pat Smee
Willingale One Name Study 
132 S22443 Police Service Record
Willingale One Name Study 
133 S22094 Registration certificate
Willingale One Name Study 
134 S33427 Ryerson Index
Willingale One Name Study 
135 S8024 Sands Directory
Unconnected Willingales 
136 S34301 Sands Directory
Willingale One Name Study 
137 S25066 Sarah Johnson
Willingale One Name Study 
138 S24274 Seax Images
Willingale One Name Study 
139 S48152 Segol tree on Ancestry
Willingale One Name Study 
140 S22448 Ships Passenger List
Willingale One Name Study 
141 S29224 Slater's Directory
Willingale One Name Study 
142 S25688 Son's baptism
Willingale One Name Study 
143 S22344 Son's Birth Certificate
Willingale One Name Study 
144 S7699 Son's Marriage Certificate
Unconnected Willingales 
145 S34306 Son's Marriage Certificate
Willingale One Name Study 
146 S7646 Sons Birth Certificate
Unconnected Willingales 
147 S34304 Sons Birth Certificate
Willingale One Name Study 
148 S33494 Stephen Kirby tree on Ancestry
Willingale One Name Study 
149 S29318 Steubing tree on Ancestry
Willingale One Name Study 
150 S29354 Telephone Directory
Willingale One Name Study 

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