Steven's Genealogy
 Willingale, Wright, Savill, Murrell, Burles, Bradd, Galley, Stein & Stebbing Family Names

  This was the home of the Wright family from about 1905 to 1964.

Welcome to our Genealogy website.

I have been helping my mother research our family history since September 1997. We have been lucky that our ancestors have hailed mainly from Essex, England and that the local library holds many of the Essex parish records on microfiche. The majority of the information gained so far is from this source.

The surnames that I am most interested in are WILLINGALE, WRIGHT, SAVILL, MURRELL, BURLES, BRETT, GRIGGS and FRENCH from Essex , and STEIN (from Liverpool), although many other surnames feature on these pages.

On the following pages people who are living have most of their details hidden. If you think you are related, please get in touch, and we can give you access to more details of your particular branch of the family tree.

For a full rundown on the WILLINGALE family name, please see my separate Willingale One Name Study family tree.

To view details of the people in the tree, use either the Search boxes top left, or the advanced search option, also top left, which allows you to filter your search by places and dates as well as names. For more details on how the site works, follow the FAQ link, bottom left.

to view all the information inthe tree you will need to request a login.

Popular surnames

Bradd Galley Woodcock Chittock Brown Tutty Horlock Downs Stebbings Lea French Brett Savill Smith Murrell Richardson Gladwin Burles Pattinson Wright Oakley Bratton Bate Ellingford Stein Cook Robinson Harvey Miller

Feature Articles

Todays Birthdays
Sarah Eversfield Grubb - 1786
Hannah Emily Brett - 1890

Todays Marriages
William Duprey married Louisa Burles - 1859
John Olivant Pattinson married Lavina Tuck - 1882

Todays Deaths
Eliza Humpherys - 1914

Trees Last updated on :
Wright and Savill - 27 Nov 2024
Pattinson - 17 Apr 2020

Media in Database:

As of the 16 Jan 2025 this website contains assorted documents & photos etc, categorised under the following headings, with the number of items listed after each heading :

documents : 30
headstones : 31
histories : 2
photos : 239

Total Items : 302

Place Stats:

Locations in the Family Tree : 1,340
Locations that have co-ordinates : 1,309

Contact Us

email imageIf you have any questions or comments about the information on this site, please contact us. We look forward to hearing from you.